Super-fluid, injectable, cementitious grout with very high flowability and stability, moderately expansive in the plastic phase, for fixings, anchors, wall consolidation, fillings, filling of post-tension sheaths, etc., based on high-strength cements, specific additives, fillers superpozzolanic reagents. Maximum particle size 0.06 mm.
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3824 5090
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Grout Cable
Grout Cable is a cement-based powder product, suitably added to obtain slurries with very high mechanical resistance, without shrinkage and without โbleedingโ, hyperfluid, pourable and self-compacting. The slurries are easily injectable into holes, cavities, discontinuities, cracks and porous conglomerates.
Grout Cable's request for mixing water, extremely low, is close to the quantity fixed stably, chemically and physically by the cement (stoichiometric water); this results in exceptional characteristics in terms of stability, performance, impermeability, and durability. The durability is further increased by the high content of microsilicates with pozzolanic reactivity, which distinguishes the product and which gives it very high resistance to sulphates. The presence in the formulation of specific long-chain polymers, with a stabilizing function and also of water retention, allows maturation and development of optimal mechanical performance even in the presence of severe exposure environments (XC, XS, XD, XA). The formulation is free from metal expansives.
Dimensional stability: + 0.4 mm / m (conditions of no loss of water by suction or evaporation)
Fields of application
Consolidation, anchoring and repair of concrete and masonry structures. Filling of cable containment sheaths in post-tensioned structures or anchor rods with the prevention of "stress corrosion" in tensioned steel cables. Maintenance and anticorrosion prevention works of degraded sheaths. Works in concrete or damaged masonry. Consolidation of conglomerates and cracked, damaged or very porous masonry. Bridging of discontinuities. Fastening of steel elements (pins, clamps, connectors). Consolidation and repair of works subjected to environmental, dynamic, hydraulic stresses, such as tunnels, hydraulic, marine, underground works, industrial buildings.
Allowed supports
Prefabricated concrete
Mixed walls (bricks and stones)
Stone walls
Preparation of supports
Application surfaces should be clean, free of dirt, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust etc., and saturated with water "saturated with dry surface". An adequate roughening of the surfaces by scarifying, sandblasting etc. is always necessary in order to obtain the maximum adhesion values to the substrate. The optimal values are obtained with high pressure hydro-scarification. Bare the irons undergoing disruptive oxidation or deeply oxidized, removing the rust of the exposed irons (by sandblasting or abrasive brushes).
Mode of use
โข Pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer, gradually add Grout Cable and the remaining water until a fluid, homogeneous and lump-free mixture is obtained.
โข Application temperature> 5 ยฐ C, <35 ยฐ C. The best fluidity is obtained with grout temperature โฅ 15 ยฐ C. Lower temperatures slightly reduce fluidity. With winter temperatures, the use of hot mixing water is recommended.
โข Moisten the cavities or conglomerates to prevent the suction of the supports from limiting the smoothness and removing the mixing water before hardening. Wet a few hours before injecting the grout, avoiding water pockets and any excess water on the surface. Clogging and consolidating fillings can be carried out both by gravity and by manual / automatic pumps, depending on the type of application.
โข Keep the external and exposed surfaces of the grout moistened for at least 24 hours
Application methods
Pour out
Tool cleaning
Key features
Mix with water: 33 - 35 %
Shelf-life: 12 months
Temperature of use: +5/+35 ยฐC
Technical specifications
Compressive strength after 28 days (EN 196-1) with fluidity t0 = 25 '' (EN 445)
> 50 N/mmยฒ
Compressive strength after 28 days (EN 196-1) with fluidity t0 = 45 '' (EN 445)
> 70 N/mmยฒ
Flexural strength after 28 days (EN 196-1) with fluidity t0 = 25 '' (EN 445)
> 6.5 N/mmยฒ
Flexural strength after 28 days (EN 196-1) with fluidity t0 = 45 '' (EN 445)
> 9.5 N/mmยฒ
Darcy impermeability
10^(-10) cm/s
Initial setting time (EN 196-3)
> 3 h
2000 kg/mยณ
Capillary absorption UNI EN 13057
Volume change (EN 445)
< 0.5 %
Total recycled content UNI PdR 88:2020
โฅ 9.8 %
Chloride content UNI EN 1542
0.0029 %
Exuded water (EN 445)
< 0.1 %
Setting time EN 196-3
< 24 h
Bonding force UNI EN 1015-12
> 3 N/mmยฒ
Approximately 1700 kg of Grout Cable for each cubic metre of volume to be filled.
Available colors
Packaging and dimensions
Bag 25 kg
Pallet: 50 x (Bag 25 kg)
Storage and conservation
Store the product in its original packing, in a fresh and dry environment, avoiding frost and direct sunlight.
Additional content
The physical mechanical data derive from tests carried out with addition water percentages of 34%.
The general information, along with any instructions and recommendations for use of this product, including in this data sheet and eventually provided verbally or in writing, correspond to the present state of our scientific and practical knowledge.
Any technical and performance data reported is the result of laboratory tests conducted in a controlled environment and thus may be subject to modification in relation to the actual conditions of implementation.
Azichem Srl does not assume any liability arising from inadequate characteristics related to improper use of the product or connected to defects arising from factors or elements unrelated to the quality of the product, including improper storage.
Those wishing to utilise the product are required to determine prior to use whether or not the same is suitable for the intended use, assuming all consequent responsibility.
The technical and characteristic details contained in this data sheet shall be updated periodically. For consultation in real time, please visit the website: The date of revision is indicated in the space to the side. The current edition cancels out and replaces any previous version.
Please note that the user is required to read the latest Safety Data Sheet for this product, containing chemical-physical and toxicological data, risk phrases and other information regarding the safe transport, use and disposal of the product and its packaging. For consultation, please visit:
It is forbidden to dispose of the product and/or packaging in the environment.
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