Injections of reinforcement and reinforcement of concrete, masonry, rock works etc. Anchoring and fixing of ties, electrowelded steel mesh, beam ends for construction joints etc. Sealing of post-tensioning sheathing. Creation of filling paddings in the spaces between conduits and excavation holes.
Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface". An adequate roughening of the surfaces by scarifying, sandblasting etc. is always necessary in order to obtain the maximum adhesion values to the substrate. The optimal values are obtained with high pressure hydro-scarification. Bare the irons undergoing disruptive oxidation or deeply oxidized, removing the rust of the exposed irons (by sandblasting or abrasive brushes). When used for anchoring and fixing of bars, perform holes with an increased diameter of at least 4 mm compared to the diameter of the bar. Suck the dust inside the hole. Abundantly humidify the internal surface of the hole to facilitate entry, scrolling and adherence of the micromalta to the support.
Pour 2/3 of the total mixing water into the mixer, gradually add the product and, subsequently, the remaining water, mixing until a homogeneous mixture of the desired consistency is obtained. GROUT MICRO J can be mixed with different consistencies, from plastic to self-leveling pourable. With 12-13% of water (3.0 - 3.25 liters / 25 kg bag) plastic consistencies are obtained, with 13-14% (3.25-3.5 liters / 25 kg bag) consistencies castable, with 14-15% (3.5-3.75 l / 25 kg bag) self-leveling fluid consistencies. Small-volume doughs can be mixed with a double / triple helicoid whisk equipped with a speed regulator. Put in place by injection or pouring within 60' of packaging. If the temperature, at the time of application, is between 0 and 5 ° C, the development of mechanical strength will be slower. It is recommended, with cold temperatures, to use lukewarm mixing water between 20 ÷ 30 ° C. If the temperature, at the time of application, is between 30 and 35 ° C, it is advisable to use mixing water at a low temperature (5 ÷ 10 ° C) and to apply the product in the coolest hours of the day (indicatively morning or evening).
Compressive strength after 1 day
UNI EN 12190
Compressive strength after 7 days
UNI EN 12190
Compressive strength after 28 days
UNI EN 12190
Flexural strength at 1 day
UNI EN 196/1
Flexural strength after 7 days
UNI EN 196/1
Flexural strength after 28 days
UNI EN 196/1
Steel bar extraction at a load of 75 kN (EN 1504/6)
Capillary absorption
UNI EN 13057
Thermal conductivity
Chloride content
UNI EN 1542
Darcy impermeability
Bonding force
UNI EN 1015-12
Static elastic modulus
EN 13142
Resistance to the extraction of the steel bars with improved adhesion
UNI EN 1015-6
Approximately 1700 kg of Grout Micro-J for every cubic metre of mixture to be made.