Repar SM
Repar SM is a fine plaster, monocomponent, thixotropic, rheoplastic, composite , "multipurpose"; based on high-resistance cements, superpozzolanic fillers, hydrodispersed polymeric resins, plasticisers, stabilisers, and anticorrosives, antiallergic additives, selected aggregates, microfibres.
Fields of application
Repairs, finishing coats, protective and waterproofing coatings, planar regularisations, surface coatings, adhesives, etc., on concrete and masonry supports, even in cold weather.
Allowed supports
Cement-based or lime-based mortars
Prefabricated concrete
Preparation of supports
Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface".
Mode of use
Pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer, add Repar SM and the remaining water; continue to mix until a homogeneous lump-free mixture is obtained. The mixing water should be about 15-18% of the weight of the bag. After mixing is completed wait a few minutes before applying. It is recommended to prepare a limited quantity of mixture at a time, to avoid waste.
Smoothe the surfaces to be regularised by applying the product with a spatula, sponge float, etc.
Application methods
Brick trowel
Finishing trowel
Technical specifications
Compressive strength
UNI EN 12190
35 N/mmยฒ
Flexural strength
EN 196/1
7 N/mmยฒ
Resistance to carbonatation
UNI EN 13295
0.50 mm
Skid resistance
UNI EN 13036-4
73 mm
Reaction to fire
EN 13501-1
Static elastic modulus
EN 13142
20000 N/mmยฒ
Capillary absorption
UNI EN 13057
0.49 kgโขh^0.5/mยฒ
Total recycled content
UNI PdR 88:2020
โฅ 4.4 %
Chloride content
UNI EN 1015-17
<0.01 %
Determination of thermal compatibility
UNI EN 13687-1
1.7 mPa
Approximately 1.65 kg/mยฒ of Repar SM for each millimetre of thickness to be made.
Storage and conservation
Store the product in its original packing, in a fresh and dry environment, avoiding frost and direct sunlight.
Do not apply in case of direct exposure to sunlight; cure the protection and the prolonged moist hardening of exposed surfaces.The general information, along with any instructions and recommendations for use of this product, including in this data sheet and eventually provided verbally or in writing, correspond to the present state of our scientific and practical knowledge.
Any technical and performance data reported is the result of laboratory tests conducted in a controlled environment and thus may be subject to modification in relation to the actual conditions of implementation.
Azichem Srl does not assume any liability arising from inadequate characteristics related to improper use of the product or connected to defects arising from factors or elements unrelated to the quality of the product, including improper storage.
Those wishing to utilise the product are required to determine prior to use whether or not the same is suitable for the intended use, assuming all consequent responsibility.
The technical and characteristic details contained in this data sheet shall be updated periodically. For consultation in real time, please visit the website: The date of revision is indicated in the space to the side. The current edition cancels out and replaces any previous version.
Please note that the user is required to read the latest Safety Data Sheet for this product, containing chemical-physical and toxicological data, risk phrases and other information regarding the safe transport, use and disposal of the product and its packaging. For consultation, please visit:
It is forbidden to dispose of the product and/or packaging in the environment.