The advantages of Clorosmalt Piscine are:
Specially formulated for the painting of swimming pools, ornamental tanks, canals, fountains, lakes, tanks, and any cement or metal support that is heavily and permanently in contact with water.
The application surfaces must be clean, free of dirt, crumbly, inconsistent or non-absorbent parts, dust, pre-existing paint, etc...
The humidity of the support, measured with a carbide hygrometer, must not exceed 4%, to avoid the formation of surface defects or blistering of the applied product. Check for the presence of residual humidity using the plastic sheet method according to the ASTM D 4263 standard: fix a heavy polyethylene sheet with a size of at least 45x45 cm to the support with adhesive tape. 24 hours after its installation, lift the sheet and check for signs of humidity.
Thoroughly homogenize the product by manually shaking the container before use or mechanically, taking care to use a clean tool free of potentially polluting substances. It can be applied by spray or with a short-haired roller in a homogeneous manner to avoid accumulations of material that could cause give rise to aesthetic defects.
The application of the product must be carried out by crossing the passes and paying particular attention to the shots, regularly unloading the roller beyond the applied area in order to obtain a uniform film and eliminate any accumulations of product. On the adequately prepared support, apply two or more coats of Clorosmalt Piscine, taking care to respect the indicated consumption and thickness.
Dust-free time at 20°C
Touch hardening at 20°C
Complete hardening at 20°C
Dry residue
Dry thickness
Working temperature
VOC content
From 0.30 to 0.40 kg of Clorosmalt Piscine for each square meter of surface to be painted (in two coats).
It is advisable not to apply the coating in uncertain weather. Current weather events with a product that is not perfectly dry and cross-linked could cause damage to the waterproof film or give rise to the formation of interstitial condensation between the support and the covering.